Comment history with Firiath
Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 comments
I know
I've been meaning to code another layout so I haven't been bothered ._.
You need to fix your nav on your cb layout so it takes people to your layouts and stuff.
Thanks for the comments
For the Animus layout: I'm thinking of adding a max width
For the To Pray layout: It's not religious :] It's actually pretty anti-religious tbh. The quote says that praying is useless. ._."
I would love to move
But I've lived here all my life
And my parents own a steady business here
So no chance until I go to college >.>
Stupid mainlanders.
The pollutions still bad.
A few years ago, you could see across the harbor really clearly every single day
Now, you have to wish that it's a good day.
Weren't a lot of factories made to stop running just top think yp the pollution for the olympics?
=0 But Hong Kong ish awesome
*note the sarcasm*
The stupid pollution is so bad that it's hard to take pictures of buildings and stuff anymore. Some buildings look like they've been cut in half ._.
Fanks for the comment on my graphic :3
If you DO want one
You'll have to fly to Hong Kong ;]
Thanks XD
The buildings didnt actually look that pretty but I randomly took the picture anyway xD
I like Joey's, Shawn's, Jim's and Paul's new mask. The other ones look too much like their old ones or look bad to me ._.
I personally think Corey looks like a panda xD
And Slipknot is my #2 favourite band (HIM being the first)
Truth be told, I think my layout is crap ._.
I just submitted it for the maggots =]
Which is why I'm using it?
Ima make a new layout now -.-
Thanks for the comment on my Danny thingy =]
It used to be my background until I did something cooler (aka my superman thingy) XD