Comment history with manny-the-dino
Displaying 61 - 80 of 203 comments
There are some amazing people here!
And I use Opera.. and I never really had a problem with screen captures, but for somereason on the new monitor when I maximize browser fully they stretch to where I cant see them.. it's frustrating.
I tried to do a vector of me the other day out of boredom, and failed miserably lmao. I couldn't figure out the nose, 'cause I suck! So I did this to it:
http://i9.photobucket.com /albums/a74/rej2play/vectoring me.png
and then changed it to this:
http://i9.photobucket.c om/albums/a74/rej2play/smallno se.png
shit.. I rambled on a bit too much xDD
Haha. Everything gets old and boring after a while.
Oh whateeeeeever. I like your stuff. I think my stuff is whatever. There are so many talented people here that they make my stuff look like shit lol.
Yeah she is. She got back maybe a few months ago. TJ (A1Bassline) was the one that made it happen.
No problem :) If you have FF, just press F11 to get the full screen view and do your screenshot like that. That's how I did yours.
Thankkk youu! It worked. yay.
Crappy new computer screen.. well it's not new, but new for me lol.
My last screen was really old and DARK grr. =]
haha, Yeah.. I used to play it a lot, but.. It gets old real soon.
And muhh work sucks.. it's like.. mediocre at best =/
I see Gabi is back on staff =]]
Haha neopets? I have a friend who used to play that and she's... 19. She probably still does play it.
Yeah dude come back and submit more of your work! ;D
haha iknorite.
I there for a while started playing Neopets again (aren't I a bit too old?? lol) and then it wore off on me again, but lately I've been kinda busy. I plan on coming back more =]
Rooooooooooooooob. Wth happened to you? You just disappeared lol
Haha inorite. It's not even at the right time. I think everyone should have the same week off.
Why would people want spring break at the beginning of march?! Thats just dumb..
Mine starts on Monday. Well technically it starts tomorrow night for me but whatever haah. Yeah I know everyone's spring break is so weird. A lot of people had theirs at the beginning of March.
When does your spring break begin? Some of my friends' theyre in college.. theirs was a month ago and all of my local friends just went back to school Monday.
Haha thanks! I've been good. I just want spring break to get here already! How are things with you?
I just wish you the best. I'm here if you need anything, you know that.
I can't really go back.. I'm passed most of meh GED and all have to retake is teh math test, I missed one too many =/
Robbbbbbb. Stop being a bad boy ;) No but really, go back to school. You will benefit a lot from it. Do it for yourself.
I was suspended too much. And I even got expelled one year =/
I'm getting meh GED if thats any constellation..
Wow. "/ You shouldn't have missed so much school though. I think you should really finish it. :(